Shnat Hachshara

Shnat Betar is a challenging leadership program in Israel. The program is dedicated to creating and inspiring the Zionist-Betar leaders of tomorrow. Shnat Betar provides a unique opportunity to explore new directions on the journey to becoming a Jewish-Zionist adult. From February to October, Shnat participants are immersed in the rich and diverse society of Israel, exploring the land and discovering new aspects of themselves and Israel. 


The program includes four months of the “Machon L’Madrichim” course with young people from all over the world and different tnuot, two months in an unforgettable experience with the army in “Marva” course, and two more months of movement seminars around Israel and a meaningful volunteering period. A true year of exploration, Shnat Betar provides the freedom for personal discovery as well as the security of a carefully structured program. This unforgettable experience is created through an intricate balance between studies and volunteer work, learning and teaching, personal challenge and community living. Participants on Shnat Betar return from the year with a stronger attachment to the land of Israel as well as a deeper passion for Zionism and for the Betar movement, enthusiastic to share with their communities what they have learned.

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